
Grd Am/Can Ch Belmark Thriller
15-1/2" none white factored tricolor
  VWD Vetgen Clear, eyes CERF normal, MDR1 normal/normal, OFA Excellent

To see Mikey is to love him. He has an awe inspiring outline, presence, attitude, balanced well angulated body, beautiful flowing movement, and chiseled hard to find headpiece. He is the complete package. His dam has produced 4 Am Champions, with another pointed, and a sixth brother already out at shows. He also has a major pointed/BIS winning Canadian Champion sister that should also finish and a young brother yet to hit the ring. So we see his dam and sire easily attaining their ROMs. This dog is bred to produce and has so many assets to pull from, we can't wait to see his puppies. He is certainly the tri male we have been waiting for! First time in the ring as a special Mikey wins 5 point Specialty major towards his Grand, and now has 3 major wins. finishing in just a couple short weekends.


Brecon Oak Crest Jet Black

BISS Am/Can Ch Bach Belmark On Canvas CGC

Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM ROMC

Belmark On Wings Of Silk

Am/Can Ch Willow Cove's Bluesman

Karmix Third Watch

BISS Grd Am/Can Ch Belmark Shakedown ROM

Kyrie Drops Of Jupiter, pts

Ch Tall Timber Tom Terrific

Am/Can Ch Oak Crest A Kick In The Grass

Am/Can Ch Belmark All Shook Up ROM ROMC

Oak Crest Black Brat

Am/Can Ch Belmark Maverick

Belmark Tangled Up In Blue

Bach Pandemonium

Ch Clouddawn Cros'Crk Heritage

BISS Am/Can Ch Belmark Maverick

Can Ch Belmark Above The Law

Belmark On Wings Of Silk

Ch Oak Crest Back GI Joe

Bach Belmark Elite

UKC Ch Belmark Accolade (4 Am Chs)

Bach Gift Of Gab

Ch Clouddawn Cros'Crk Heritage

BISS Am/Can Ch Belmark Maverick

Ch Belmark Under The Lights

Belmark On Wings Of Silk

Ch Tall Timber Tom Terrific

Bach Gift Of Gab

Oak Crest Double Talk

Update: 6/22/17
Mikey to date has the following Champion or pointed kids that we know of:

Ch Belmark Waiakea Ticket Holder
Ch Belmark Brynmere Beat It
Ch Belmark Constellation, Gd pts
Am/Can Ch Belmark Thrill A Minute
Ch Belmark On A Dare
Belmark Lollapalooza, Am mjr pts
Brynmere Thrill Seeker, Am pts
Brynmere Billie Jean, Am pts
Odyssey Cheap Thrills, Am pts
Belmark Genesis Trace Of Lace, Am pts
Willow Cove Power Play, Am pts
Crossroads Barefoot Blue Jeans, Am pts
Belmark Diego De La Vega, Am pts


$800 stud fee, see stud agreement below for details
($300 breeding fee, balance due when puppies born)
  Click here to view other options stud service agreement.

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