
GCh Ch Belmark Soiree ROM

VWD and MDR1 clear by parentage, eyes OFA normal, hips OFA Good

We so love this little girl, she is such a little cutie and has that stunning outline that just stops you dead. She has a beautiful head too and attitude galore. We think she will go far. She so reminds us of her dam, "Fever" who won the Open Black bitch class at the ASSA National. Gala finished with a 5 point major. Her brother Ch Belmark Skyfall finished at 9 months of age, and her other brother Ch Belmark Off Broadway, finished at just over a year. It is an all Champion litter! Oh and did I mention that she has 5 Champions of her own with many more pointed and waiting in the wings. She is one of our best producers.



Brecon Oak Crest Jet Black

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Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM, ROMC

Skywards Passionate Kisses

Am/Can Ch Willow Cove's Bluesman

Karmix Third Watch

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Kyrie Drops Of Jupiter, Am pts

Ch Tall Timber Tom Terrific

Am/Can Ch Oak Crest A Kick In The Grass

Am/Can Ch Belmark All Shook Up ROMC ROM

Oak Crest Black Brat

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Belmark Tangled Up In Blue

Bach Pandemonium

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BISS Grd Ch Rosmoor Protocol ROM

BISS Grd Am/Can Ch Jesstar Nirvana ROM

BISS Ch Rosmoor Rapture

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BISS Grd Ch Jesstar Astoria

Am/Can Ch Belmark Ya Given Me Fever ROM

Paray's Prada

Am/Can Ch Trevanne’s Windswept ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Attridge Windy City ROM ROMC

Am/Can Ch Felicity Jamaican Me Crazy

Can Ch Attridge Pandora

Am/Can Ch Belmark Lo And Behold ROM, ROMC

Belmark's In The Twilight

Belmark Glamour Girl


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Copyright © 2007-2013 Bella Thompson :: Belmark Shelties. All Rights Reserved. No graphics or photos may used without written permission.
Graphics by Showtime Design :: Site Maintained by Bella Thompson